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Welcome to our NEW online registration system!
In order to help you navigate through the process please see the detailed information below.
Before registering online, be sure you have read all program details so you know the appropriate program to register your skater in, if you're still unsure contact the club to help you determine which level you're skater is at. Also be sure to review the registration policies and volunteer/fundraising commitments which are required of all members before registration is complete.
Payment is required at the time of registration. VISA or MasterCard are accepted. If you do not own a credit card, VISA or MasterCard gift cards can be used (they are available at most grocery stores or gas stations.)
Access the LOGIN button the main Barrhead Skating Club Header
Create your FAMILY ACCOUNT login information (please remember your “password” for future use)
Must be in name of Parent/Guardian
All boxes with RED * must be filled in
Add Current HOME Address
Message List – mark boxes for messages you want to receive.
When completed all boxes – click “continue”
Click on MY ACCOUNT (top right side of page)
Click on “Participants”
Add “new skater”
Fill in details – check ‘no coach’ for all Canskate level skaters
ADD SKATER'S SKATE CANADA NUMBER (if returning member)
Click “add skater”
Do this for every participant skater you want to add (if you have more than one child skating).
NOTE: Do Not check box beside “I would like to register myself into programs” if you are a parent registering a child. Only check the box if you are an adult skater registering yourself for a program.
Click REGISTRATION in the Menu Bar
Select desired skating level
You will be able to select the "program" you wish to register for & CLICK REGISTER
Select the skater for that program
CONFIRM Registration
NOTE: You have 60 minutes to complete your transaction, after 60 minutes of inactivity it will clear your shopping cart.
Club “policies” that pertain to the program you are registering for
Policies are also accessed in the Main menu under Registration, select "POLICIES".
Proceed to CHECKOUT
Make secure “on-line” payment by credit card – VISA or MASTERCARD.
No cash or cheque payment will be accepted for registration
A confirmation invoice will be emailed to you
If you have an issues please contact Stacey Lyons @ (780) 305-3472 or email the club at
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